Asad Riaz has started his business.
Asad Riaz is an 18 years old young man. He has 4 years experience in handling a cosmetic store business. This has made him competent in running a shop of his own. His customers and neighbours view him positively. Especially the women in that locality are dependent on him for their beauty related needs. Due to the poor economic condition of his family, he started his business at a very young age when it was actually time for him to study. He sacrificed his studies in the middle school and started working at the shop in an effort to support his family. He lives in a 5 marla house with 12 family members. With two families living in a one room house and an uncovered kitchen, the living conditions are very poor. Even at this young age, Asad is a dynamic and hardworking fellow. Although, his brother is also earning to assist in the expenses of the house. But it is still not enough. He wants to expand his business by adding more items to his cosmetic shop which will help him improve his financial circumstances. By adding more items the number of customers will surely increase which will help in increasing the monthly profit which is currently very low. Through this he might be in a better position to take care of his family. We need this kind of creative and ambitious people in our society who are working to improve the economic condition of their society. We can help this diligent young man by donating from the platform of crowdfunding.
This will help a young person's business in the local area leading to an economic and social development of his family.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Apr 10,2019