A loan of $180 helped start a crockery business.
Living in the slum area of Gujranwala, Muhammad Amjad is courageous man, who is struggling to earn his living hood. He has three daughters and two sons to look after. Among which, three of them are school going. His only source of income is through a loader Auto Rickshaw. He earns very low income on daily basis and by the end of the day, he has to give back some of the amount to the owner as well. Though this little income, it is impossible for him to feed family and cover the other expenses of house as well. He wishes to start his own Crockery Business and requires only $180.With your generous donations, we can collect that amount and let Muhammad Amjad give a chance to stand on his own feet.
Living in the slum area of Gujranwala, Muhammad Amjad is courageous man, who is struggling to earn his living hood. He has three daughters and two sons to look after. Among which, three of them are school going. His only source of income is through a loader Auto Rickshaw. He earns very low income on daily basis and by the end of the day, he has to give back some of the amount to the owner as well. Though this little income, it is impossible for him to feed family and cover the other expenses of house as well. He wishes to start his own Crockery Business and requires only [LOAN_AMOUNT].With your generous donations, we can collect that amount and let Muhammad Amjad give a chance to stand on his own feet.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.56
Disbursed date:
Dec 07,2017