A loan of $252 helped to start a grocery store.
Muhammad Saleem is 46 years old and lives in Gujranwala. He is a father of 8 children. Saleem suffers from polio. Due to being handicapped, he has always had trouble finding work. But his hard work and dedication led to the establishment of a cycle shop and now, he wants to expand his business. The needs of his family are growing and he worries that ultimately, he will fail to provide for their needs. He has decided to expand his business in order to increase his profits. He wants to open a grocery store as he believes that in his area, a grocery store will definitely flourish. Saleem is in need of $252 to expand his business. He has turned to Seed Out to finance his expansion. We believe that Saleem’s grocery store will thrive just like his cycle hope and we hope that you donate for the expansion of Saleem’s business. 
Muhammad Saleem is 46 years old and lives in Gujranwala. He is a father of 8 children. Saleem suffers from polio. Due to being handicapped, he has always had trouble finding work. But his hard work and dedication led to the establishment of a cycle shop and now, he wants to expand his business. The needs of his family are growing and he worries that ultimately, he will fail to provide for their needs. He has decided to expand his business in order to increase his profits. He wants to open a grocery store as he believes that in his area, a grocery store will definitely flourish. Saleem is in need of [LOAN_AMOUNT] to expand his business. He has turned to Seed Out to finance his expansion. We believe that Saleem’s grocery store will thrive just like his cycle hope and we hope that you donate for the expansion of Saleem’s business. 

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.08
Disbursed date:
Oct 02,2017