A loan of $360 helped a struggling marble polisher purchase suitable machinery for his business.

“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” — Aristotle

Mr. Asif, a 27-year-old dedicated father, has been working tirelessly to provide for his family by owning and operating a marble polish machine for the past eight years. Despite his relentless efforts, financial constraints have made it challenging for him to break free from the generational curse of poverty. However, his determination to offer his three children a suitable education and a better future remains unshaken.

Running a marble polish business requires both skill and dedication. Mr. Asif has managed to maintain his business with limited resources, but he now faces the pressing need to expand in order to secure financial stability for his family. Expansion would allow him to increase his earnings, improve his family's living conditions, and ensure that his children continue to receive a quality education.

Your support can be the catalyst for change in Mr. Asif's life. With your donation, he can invest in additional equipment, hire more workers, and enhance his business operations. This growth is essential not only for boosting his income but also for breaking the cycle of poverty that has plagued his family for generations.

By contributing to SEED OUT, you are directly aiding in the empowerment of individuals like Mr. Asif. Your generosity will enable him to expand his marble polish business, providing a stable and prosperous future for his children. 

Help SEED OUT in its mission to transform lives and end the cycle of poverty. Your donation can make a significant impact, turning Mr. Asif's dreams into reality and ensuring a brighter, more secure future for his family. Donate now and be a part of this life-changing journey.

Empowers a father of 3 to continue educating his children.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Faisalabad


Projects fundraising in Faisalabad


Project raised in Faisalabad

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Aug 20,2024