A loan of $540 helped a financially challenged man expand his grocery store business.

"The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, 'The best charity is that given in Ramadan." —Tirmidhi

Mr. Farhat, a 37-year-old married man, has been running a grocery store for the past two years. Despite his relentless efforts, he finds it challenging to make ends meet and provide adequately for his family. With two children, one of whom has reached the age of schooling and is currently getting educated, Mr. Farhat feels the pressure to expand his business and increase his earning potential.

Expanding his grocery store would enable Mr. Farhat to generate more income, ensuring that both of his children receive a proper education and a stable future. His dedication to his family and his business reflects his determination to break free from the constraints of financial hardship.

Your generous donations can play a crucial role in Mr. Farhat's journey toward financial independence and stability. By supporting the expansion of his grocery store, you are not just helping him increase his earnings but also empowering his family to thrive. Education for his children and a better quality of life for his family are within reach, with your assistance.

SEED OUT is committed to eradicating poverty by helping individuals like Mr. Farhat achieve their dreams of financial stability and independence. Your contribution can significantly impact his business growth and, consequently, the well-being of his family. Donate today to support Mr. Farhat and help SEED OUT continue its mission to empower families and build a better future.

Helps a struggling father fight off poverty for his growing family.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 30.60
Disbursed date:
Dec 26,2024