A loan of $540 helped in the expansion of a widow's lace and buttons business.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: ‘The best charity is to satisfy a hungry person.'” — Hadith

Ms. Siddiqan, a 44-year-old widow, is a resilient mother of four children. Despite the challenges that life has thrown her way, she has been running a laces and buttons shop for the past 2 years. With limited resources, only two of her children are currently receiving an education, while the other two are missing out due to financial constraints.

Ms. Siddiqan dreams of expanding her business to provide a stable and secure future for her family. An expanded business would mean better income, allowing her to support all her children’s education and improve their living conditions. She is determined to break the cycle of poverty and give her children the opportunities they deserve.

Your donations can play a pivotal role in helping Ms. Siddiqan achieve this dream. By supporting the expansion of her laces and buttons shop, you are not only helping her improve her business but also enabling her to provide for her family more effectively. With increased earnings, she can ensure all her children receive the education they need to build a better future.

SEED OUT is committed to empowering individuals like Ms. Siddiqan, who are working hard to uplift themselves and their families from poverty. Your contribution can make a significant difference in her life, helping her become financially stable and secure a brighter future for her children. Donate today to support Ms. Siddiqan in expanding her business and ensuring her children receive the education they deserve. Together, we can help families like hers thrive and break free from the chains of poverty.

Helps a widow raise and educate her four children.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 30.60
Disbursed date:
Dec 26,2024