A loan of $360 helped in the expansion of a woman-owned beauty parlour business.

In the midst of the chaotic cityscape, where dreams often struggle to find their wings, there's a woman fighting the storm for her family!

Ms. Shamim is 35, she wears the hat of a mother, a businesswoman, and a caretaker with unwavering grace.

For the past four years, her small beauty parlour has been a sanctuary of hope. It's not merely about makeup and beauty, but about crafting a future for her children. One of her children, overcoming obstacles, is nearing the age for formal education.

Your support can be the foundation that helps her build a better world for her children. It's not just about expanding a beauty parlour; it's about expanding the horizons of opportunity for her family. Your donation isn't just a monetary contribution; it's an investment in breaking barriers and nurturing potential.

SEED OUT is more than just an organization; it's a bridge to dreams. Your generosity is the brush that can add vibrant hues to Ms. Shamim's aspirations, painting a future where education is accessible to all her children.

Stand with us as we paint this canvas of hope. Your donation is the stroke that can transform a humble beauty parlour into a powerful beacon of change, illuminating the path for Ms. Shamim and her family.

Act now, for the brush of time waits for none. Immediate help is needed!

Together, let's craft a tale of empowerment, where dreams thrive and children flourish. Donate now and let's illuminate the future for Ms. Shamim and her family. This is urgent!

Empowers a mother of 3 to become financially stable.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 14.40
Disbursed date:
Jan 22,2024