A loan of $779 helped Naila to buy an auto-rickshaw and support her family on her own.
Naila Rasheed is a strong, 43 years old woman, living with her only daughter in the slum area of Lahore. Her husband left his family and never came back. She lifted her up for the sake of her only child. She is totally against this stigma that women can't work in the society. She believes that in order to change our society, we need to end the stigma of nonconformity. Good mothers need recognition for being a good parent, regardless of marital status. Single parent families need not be considered a disadvantage, or a dishonor.Therefore, she is struggling day and night for her daughter future. She is riding a Motor bike, to load and unload the inventories she buys from different shops. For now, this is her only source of income. Unfortunately, due to her limited budget, she is facing issue to ride on Motor bike. Therefore, she desires to have her own Auto-Rickshaw. A small contribution of $779 would help her get out of all the problems. Having an Auto-Rickshaw would relieve her from all burdens. Your support can help someone to move forward in the society with dignity.
Naila Rasheed is a strong, 43 years old woman, living with her only daughter in the slum area of Lahore. Her husband left his family and never came back. She lifted her up for the sake of her only child. She is totally against this stigma that women can't work in the society. She believes that in order to change our society, we need to end the stigma of nonconformity. Good mothers need recognition for being a good parent, regardless of marital status. Single parent families need not be considered a disadvantage, or a dishonor.Therefore, she is struggling day and night for her daughter future. She is riding a Motor bike, to load and unload the inventories she buys from different shops. For now, this is her only source of income. Unfortunately, due to her limited budget, she is facing issue to ride on Motor bike. Therefore, she desires to have her own Auto-Rickshaw. A small contribution of [LOAN_AMOUNT] would help her get out of all the problems. Having an Auto-Rickshaw would relieve her from all burdens. Your support can help someone to move forward in the society with dignity.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Oct 02,2017