A loan of $144 helped to expand a General store.

Muhammad Sohail  is a 44 – years old individual, hailing from Lahore. He started his career as a chief and continued to work for 15 years on the same post. From there he switched and started working in different factories as a worker, where he spent 5 years on the whole. But due to lockdown (COVID -19) he had to quit his job and when he was left with no job option, he decided to start his own business and opened his own general store. Since then, he very dedicatedly is running that store and now he wants to invest in his business in order to expand that. To do so, he needs financial help. For the said assistance he has applied for Seed Out’s Interest Free Loan. Support Sohail in defeating the impacts of pandemic upon his life,  by making donation for him.


Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.20
Disbursed date:
Jun 29,2021