A loan of $180 helped to expand a grocery store.

Afzal Ahmad  is running a grocery store in the small town of Bahawalnagar. He is into this business for 8 years. He is a 38 years old, married man and a father of a daughter. Alike many others, rising inflation has hit him very hard as well. Meeting the expenses of the family is a far cry to him. Circumstances has taught him very well that proceeding with same pace wont work out for him and he must has to do something to alter the current scenario. He knows that business expansion would be his cup of tea. He is very hopeful regarding the fact that in case of being succeeded in borrowing the investment needed to expand his business he would be able to do well with his business which eventually would be helpful in the uplift of his economic condition. Show your generous support and come forward to help Afzal living the standard of life he and his family really deserve.


Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.56
Disbursed date:
Aug 06,2021