A loan of $792 helped to buy a Zeenat Gari (Auto Rickshaw).
Shahnaz bibi had eyes filled with hope and fear at the same time for her five young children who live in a small house in the Hassan Town area of Lahore. Aged 35, Shahnaz has to see the condition of her autistic daughter who is unable to attend school and stay at home. Her energy is dedicated to stitching clothes at home on her small sewing machine. On average, she is able to stitch 25 - 30 suits per month. Shahnaz's husband is a hard worker and laborer at a hotel where he cooks and serves to audience belonging to the less privileged class.From their collective earnings, both Shahnaz and her husband are sending their children to school, paying the high-rising electricity bills, and the rent of their small, humble abode. In such circumstances, they are unable to save anything for themselves or for a better life for their children. However, Shahnaz has not lost all hope; she has dreams and is an ambitious woman who is determined to run the Rickshaw for women only. She has planned to interact with other working women, school going girls, and children as her clients. Her dreams are a reflection of what she can achieve. With the rickshaw, she will be able to save enough money to build up an asset for her family and use the rickshaw for domestic purposes in order to save the meager amount of money she can. She is hopeful and is a great enthusiat who wants to achieve her goals and hence she is hopeful that she will return what she owes in time without any interest.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 13.32
Disbursed date:
Aug 16,2016