A loan of $252 helped buy a motorcycle rickshaw body.

Muhammad Muneer Ahmad from Bahawalnagar is a highly deserving person. He has 6 children; three daughters and three sons, all of whom go to PEF school. Every day is a struggle for Muneer to earn enough so he can fulfill his family's most basic needs. He was able to buy a motorbike through a committee and is paying back its installments. Akram now wants to buy a motorcycle rickshaw body so he can convert his motorbike into a productive asset and earn an income, which he desperately needs. He has a driving experience of 6 years and these days he is doing labor work, earning Rs. 15,000 monthly. One can imagine how difficult it is for 8 people to survive in just Rs. 15,000. Muneer is a highly deserving person and critically needs your donations. 

Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Oct 23,2020