A loan of $180 helped expand a clothing business.

Shafiq Ahmed is a very deserving person who is facing a lot of difficulties that have been exacerbated by COVID 19 and the ensuing lockdown. Shafiq Ahmed sells unstitched ladies clothes at different markets in order to earn a living. He himself is an illiterate man but doesn't want the same for his children. He is firmly determined that he will educate all his three children. His eldest son, Ehsaan, attends nursery class at a private school whereas the other two children are babies. Due to a complete lockdown, Shafiq could not do his business and was only left with a stock worth Rs. 20,000 only. Now that the lockdown is easing, Shafiq wants to be back in businesses as soon as possible because the last few months have been very tough financially. This business is his only hope since he has been doing this work for the past 20 years. Please help the deserving Shafiq Ahmad and enable him to once again live his life with dignity. 

Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.56
Disbursed date:
Nov 17,2020