A loan of $288 helped open a grocery store.

42-year-old Ghulam Rasul Khan from Lahore was content with driving an auto-rickshaw. For 14 years, he has driven a rented auto-rickshaw around Lahore, and with his small income, he has been raising and paying the school fees of his 2 daughters and a son, all of whom attend a private school. Ghulam Rasul was able to sustain his household expenses until now; unfortunately, he has developed high blood pressure and is unable to drive the rickshaw for long hours. This has led to a major decrease in his earnings and in the summers, it gets acutely difficult for him to drive a rickshaw. Ghulam Rasool's children are young, they have their whole lives ahead of them and Ghulam Rasul cannot allow his health to be deteriorated further. According to him, it will be easier for him to do a job where he has to sit down, and hence Ghulam Rasul now wants to open a general store. 

For the general store, Ghulam Rasool has requested a loan of $288. With this, he will buy the stock and fulfill other business-relevant expenses. We are very eager to help Ghulam Rasul during his time of difficulty, as we want to take care of our fellow citizen who is unable to do hard physical work due to his health. Before the arrival of summers, we want to help set up a store for him and for this, we need your support! 

It helps a man will ill-health to open a general store.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 12.60
Disbursed date:
Jan 11,2020