A loan of $540 helped start a shoemaking business.

Muhammad Sufyan from Gujranwala, father of 10, is facing an acute financial crisis. For 13 years, Sufyan worked as a property dealer and was able to sustain his family. Now, however, his business is tumbling and Sufyan can only earn Rs. 10,000 per month! Of course, it is absolutely impossible for a family of 10 to survive on an income of merely 10,000 Rupees. Seeing Sufyan in this helpless situation, his old father, who lives in Sanglan, decided to help out his son. His father does a shoemaking business and recently, he has been sending Sufiyan Rs. 30,000 per month so he can feed his family. However, his father would not be able to keep helping him for long and something else needed to be done. Sufyan now wants to start the shoemaking business in Gujranwala. His father has helped him by giving him some savings to start the business, but those are not enough to kickstart the business. Sufyan needs financial assistance from an institution and has approached Seed Out for an interest-free loan of $540 to start the shoemaking business. Times are extremely testing for Sufyan and his 10 children and they are impatiently looking towards your donation for support. This business can change the family's life. Soon, his two eldest sons, who are currently in school, will be old enough to help out their father as well and will also have a business. To change the course of this family and help 12 lives, please donate to Sufyan and help the family break the poverty trap! 


Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Feb 24,2020