A loan of $360 helped to buy an auto-rickshaw.
  Akhtar Masih, a 34-year-old father of 4 is struggling to earn a sustainable income. Akhtar is a hardworking person who could not find a suitable opportunity to make money and lift his family out of poverty. Living in a joint family, it is hard on Akhtar to manage the household expenses on his own. Although his younger brother also contributes to the household income, Akhtar mostly takes care of the costs. Moreover, two of Akhtar’s sons go to private school, and her daughter attends public school. Their fees add up to a considerable amount every month. For the past few years, Akhtar and his brother, Tahir earn a small amount of income by driving an auto-rickshaw. The rickshaw belongs to Tahir, who drives it during the day. In the evening, Akhtar drives it. Since two people are driving the rickshaw, its condition is deplorable. As Akhtar was looking around for a better opportunity, he came across Seed Out’s rickshaw and contacted Seed Out Gujranwala for a loan. Akhtar has requested a loan of $360 to purchase an auto-rickshaw. Based on his previous experience, he can earn much better from his own rickshaw. He no longer has to care about driving at a particular time, and he can dedicate more time to driving the rickshaw around. Hopefully, with increased income, his household expenses will be covered easily, and he can provide his family with a decent livelihood.
It helps a person to increase his income and improve his family's livelihood.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Jul 16,2019