A loan of $360 helped to buy an auto-rickshaw.
Ikhlaq Shabir, is a 32 years old young man who has been driving an Auto Rickshaw for 8 years. He is a very credible person in his profession and locality. He is a married man and a hardworking person who works seven days a week to provide for the bright future of his son and daughter. He lives in a shabby 3-marla rented house. When driving someone else’s Auto-Rickshaw, Ikhlaq has to pay Rs. 500 daily to the owner of Rickshaw and with the fuel expenses, his daily earning is reduced by more than 60%, leaving him in poor financial conditions. He is presumed as an honest and peaceful man by his friends and neighbours. His wife and two children are dependent on his income and with no other mode of earning, he is unable to save any money to provide for a rainy day. He is currently living in a one room house with an uncovered kitchen, making it difficult to maintain proper hygienic conditions for his toddlers. He wants to buy his own rickshaw so that he can spend money on milk for his children and to save for their education. In order to help Ikhlaq improve his earning, he requested a loan to buy his own Auto Rickshaw which will reduce the daily expenses and in turn increase his income. This will help him to move towards the economic development of his family. We can help this needy person improve his life by donating from the platform of crowdfunding.
This would help a hardworking young man to provide a better future for his children.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Jan 16,2019