A loan of $108 helped to expand the business of yarn knitting.
Manzooran bibi's entire family is extremely driven and motivated to put in their best effort in everything that they do and work as hard as they can manage to, even if it includes multi tasking at its peak. Manzooran bibi has 4 children out of which 3 are in Government school and the eldest daughter stays at home to help her mother out. Her 2 sons aren't just going to school but with that,one is working as an electrician and the other is under training to learn the skills related to plumbing. Their entire family is assiduous to work as hard as they can in order to prepare themselves for the tests of life ahead. Manzooran bibi has the same characteristics, she wants to pursue her expertise in yarn knitting of which she has an experience of 16 years. She was already practicing and delivering it from home but now she hopes to expand it and her husband is on board with her and wants to support her, in fact he helps her with it. This however will only be possible through our help and donations otherwise they wont be able to pursue this little dream that they've built together. They belong to a semi urban area and they live in a house of a single bedroom and a single bathroom which is definitely not enough for 6 family members. Manzooran bibi believes that things at their house can change if her business will work out. Help Mazooran Bibi by socially investing into her business. This investment will help a woman start her own business and create an example for all fellow beings like her who are scared to move forward because of patriarchy within Pakistan, especially in semi urban areas.
It's promoting a female micro entrepreneur in a semi urban area.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Faisalabad


Projects fundraising in Faisalabad


Project raised in Faisalabad

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.20
Disbursed date:
Jan 14,2019