A loan of $540 helped Razina to start her own driving school. She teaching other students and made herself a role model for the community.
Razia Sultans is a woman with endless energy. Ask her about her profession as a driving instructor, and she beams with pride, happily teaching many students driving, most of whom are females But less than five years ago, Razia's longing to run her own school seemed like a distant dream. A driving instructor by profession, she saw a need for a school in her own community. Her job as an instructor brought in a low salary and she struggles to earn enough money as a single mother for her two daughters and two granddaughters.She has enrolled them in good schools and no matter how rough the times are she makes sure their fee is paid on time. Also, her emphasis on education has sprouted from her own sufferings who says that had she been educated she would have been in a much better place and situation.  As more families have started to allow their female members to drive, Razia sees an opportunity to start her own driving school venture in the community. She tried to get loans from banks but was either turned away or treated poorly. Then, she heard about Seedout. She has received a $540 loan to add to her savings and to be able to purchase an office space. Help this lady break all stereotypes and become a successful entrepreneur with your support. 
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Jan 06,2018