A loan of $144 helped expand a tailoring business.
Muhammad Ashfaq is 57 years old, residing in the slum area of Gujranwala. He lives with his wife and two children. He is currently working as a tailor in his home. He only has one sewing machine that he bought from his own savings. His only earning is through that sewing machine, which is on a small scale. He is struggling hard to feed his family with basic necessities of life. Ashfaq needs funding for his own sewing center in his home to generate more income. Muhammad Ashfaq intends to spend the funding on purchasing sewing machines. He hopes that with this new initiative he can earn more money and give his children a better future. Your donation of $144 can help him come out of the poverty.
Muhammad Ashfaq is 57 years old, residing in the slum area of Gujranwala. He lives with his wife and two children. He is currently working as a tailor in his home. He only has one sewing machine that he bought from his own savings. His only earning is through that sewing machine, which is on a small scale. He is struggling hard to feed his family with basic necessities of life. Ashfaq needs funding for his own sewing center in his home to generate more income. Muhammad Ashfaq intends to spend the funding on purchasing sewing machines. He hopes that with this new initiative he can earn more money and give his children a better future. Your donation of [LOAN_AMOUNT] can help him come out of the poverty.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 5.40
Disbursed date:
Oct 02,2017