Meet Samina Rani, a 50-year-old widow who has dedicated her life to providing for her three children. Living in her own home, Samina has turned to her passion for cloth stitching to support her family. With the help of her daughter, she stitches clothes at home, ensuring that her children have what they need while managing the household.
Despite her skills and dedication, Samina faces challenges, especially with the medical expenses that come with having patients at home. Her son is also a tailor working in a shop, and together they share the responsibilities of supporting their family. However, Samina dreams of expanding her business and improving their situation.
To achieve her goals, Samina requires $360 to purchase professional stitching machines. This investment will not only enhance her productivity but also allow her to take on larger orders, ultimately leading to a better life for her and her children.
Average annual income
Funds donated in Lahore
Projects fundraising in Lahore
Project raised in Lahore
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