A loan of $252 helped a curtain stitching shop owner expand his business.

“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” — Aristotle. Help SEED OUT in its mission to eradicate poverty, one family at a time.

Mr. Sajjid, a 38-year-old skilled craftsman, has been running a curtain stitching business for the past eight years. Married but with no children, he has dedicated his life to perfecting his craft and providing for his household. Despite his hard work and dedication, the generational curse of poverty has cast a long shadow over his aspirations.

The curtain stitching business has the potential to thrive, but Mr. Sajjid needs financial assistance to expand his operations. Expansion means more resources, better equipment, and the ability to hire additional help. With these improvements, he can meet the increasing demand for his beautifully crafted curtains and significantly boost his income.

Breaking free from the chains of poverty requires more than just hard work; it requires opportunity. Mr. Sajjid's business expansion is that opportunity. By supporting him, you’re not just helping one man; you’re contributing to the broader fight against poverty. This support can uplift Mr. Sajjid’s family and, in turn, create a ripple effect of positive change in his community.

At SEED OUT, we are committed to identifying and supporting individuals like Mr. Sajjid who have the determination and skill but lack the financial resources to achieve their full potential. Your donation can provide the necessary capital for Mr. Sajjid to expand his curtain stitching business, helping him secure a brighter and more stable future.

Join us in this mission to eradicate poverty, one family at a time. Your generosity can transform Mr. Sajjid's life, allowing him to escape the cycle of poverty and set a new course for future generations. Donate now and be part of this impactful change with SEED OUT.

Helps a struggling man break free from the shackles of poverty.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Faisalabad


Projects fundraising in Faisalabad


Project raised in Faisalabad

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 14.40
Disbursed date:
Aug 20,2024