A loan of $360 helped an ambitious man to keep his B.B.Q shop running.

Helping those in need is the greatest virtue one can have. SEED OUT give you an opportunity to extend a helping hand towards those who are in dire need of it.

Mr. Sarfaraz has dedicated two decades to his BBQ shop, striving to provide for his family and build a stable future. Amidst the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood, with two toddlers on the brink of schooling, Mr. Sarfaraz's commitment to his business remains unwavering.

However, to ensure the continued success and growth of his BBQ shop, Mr. Sarfaraz requires additional support. Your donations can empower him to expand his business, invest in new equipment, and attract more customers. By contributing to Mr. Sarfaraz's venture, you not only support his entrepreneurial journey but also contribute to the economic prosperity of his community.

Let us come together to support Mr. Sarfaraz in his pursuit of financial stability and success. Your generosity can make a significant difference in his life and the lives of his loved ones.

Donate now to help Mr. Sarfaraz expand his BBQ shop and secure a brighter future for his family.

Empowers a father of 2 to become financially stable for his family.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 21.60
Disbursed date:
Apr 08,2024