A loan of $360 helped a financially challenged woman in the expansion of her small grocery store business.

"Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn't commit." - Eli Khamarov. Let us come together and undo this injustice!

In the tapestry of adversity, Ms. Naseem emerges as a testament to strength and resilience. At 55, widowed and responsible for four children, she has weathered life's storms with unwavering determination. Having worked as an embroiderer for a decade, Ms. Naseem transitioned into entrepreneurship, running a small grocery store for the past four years.

However, the specter of limited resources looms large, hindering her aspirations for growth. Two of her children yearn for education, yet financial constraints cast a shadow on this fundamental right.

Your support can be the transformative force that alters the course of Ms. Naseem's life. Donations will not only help her expand her grocery store but also pave the way for her children's education. It's not just about sustaining a business; it's about fostering hope, breaking the cycle of poverty, and ensuring that every child gets access to education.

This is an urgent plea for action. Donate now to be a part of Ms. Naseem's journey toward a brighter future. Your contribution is not just a monetary transaction; it's a lifeline, a gesture that says, "Your dreams matter, and so does your family's future."

Help Ms. Naseem expand her business, secure her family's well-being, and provide an education for her children. Your generosity can be the key that unlocks doors to a better life. Donate now and be a part of rewriting the narrative of hope and empowerment.

Empowers a struggling mother to become financially independent for her family.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Feb 27,2024