A loan of $540 helped a struggling man to expand his fruit and vegetable store.

"Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime." - Aristotle. Join hands with SEED OUT to eradicate this curse!

In the midst of life's challenges, Mr. Rashid stands as a guardian of hope. For seven years, he has tended to his fruits and vegetable shop, striving not only to provide for his family but to create a secure future for his daughter, who is on the cusp of schooling.

However, the rising tide of inflation threatens to erode his dreams, making it increasingly difficult to build the secure future he envisions. With aging parents and a young daughter depending on him, the burden of responsibility weighs heavily on Mr. Rashid's shoulders.

Your generous donations can be the beacon of light that guides Mr. Rashid through this turbulent sea of inflation. Your support will empower him to not only sustain his fruits and vegetable shop but also secure a better tomorrow for his beloved daughter.

SEED OUT is a symbol of empowerment for families like Mr. Rashid's. Our mission is to break the chains of poverty and create opportunities for a brighter future. Your contributions are not just financial assistance; they are a lifeline to families striving for a better life.

Join hands with us to rewrite the story of Mr. Rashid's life. Your support can help him overcome the challenges of inflation and ensure a secure future for his daughter. Act now; your help is urgently needed to bring about this positive change!

Empowers a struggling father to support his family well.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 27.00
Disbursed date:
Feb 01,2024