A loan of $216 helped to provide investment to an individual for a business expansion.

Isn't it amazing that someone would only want the necessities of life that you take for granted? SEED OUT unearths these tales from our neighbourhood and assists in introducing them to the idea that life is much more than just a matter of survival. But even as we compel you to be more grateful, we implore you to spread your joy to others who are experiencing misery. Mr Ali, a 35-year-old guy, has always had financial difficulties since being born into an impoverished family. He has been continuously jumping roles in order to make ends meet. He has been running his own tailoring accessories shop for about 10 years. Along with that, he has been working as a telephone repair and salesman. The fact that he is dependent on these utterly unreliable sources of money to sustain his 3 daughters is not good for him. So, in order to be able to make enough money to properly feed and educate his children, he wants to expand his accessories shop further. This is where you need to take the initiative! Your contributions would provide this family with a greater chance to thrive rather than merely to survive. Donate right away to become their only ray of hope. Help this man create a solid source of income so he can support his dependents. Donate straight away this is urgent!

Helps a poor man to expand his business in order to feed and educate her 3 daughters.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Aug 10,2023