A contribution of $216 helped Muqadas to buy more items for her Cosmetic and Hosiery Store.
Muqadas is a 37 year old married woman, living in a slum of Gujranwala with her family. She is a mother of 7 children, 4 of whom are at a school going age. The family is drifting into poverty and their condition keeps getting worse. Muqadas and her husband both are burning the candle at both sides. They want to release the financial pressure but it seems like their fate is against them. Recently, Muqadas’ husband found out that he can’t work throughout the month due to his deteriorating health. He is suffering from Hepatitis C and still works 12-15 days per month as a mason. His income is not enough for a family of 9.  Muqadas, being the brave woman she is, stepped up to help her family. She runs a small cosmetic store near her house but due to fewer supplies, her store is not that profitable. She manages to earn only $1 per day. Seed Out came as a ray of hope for this poor family. Muqadas requested Seed Out to provide her a loan of $216 for the expansion of her store. She believes with a little investment in her store, she can generate more profits and save enough money for her husband’s treatment. She is looking forward to your donations; help her and her family stand back on their feet

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Jul 15,2016