A loan of $216 helps to expand an auto repair business.

Aleem Akhtar's source of livelihood is his auto repair workshop that he has been running for the last 20 years. He has 5 sons and a daughter, all of whom go to school. His 70-year-old father also lives with him. Aleem earns a profit of Rs. 800 daily. From this income, it is very difficult for him to take care of his wife, father and children. He needs to expand his business by adding more spare parts. Currently, he often has to turn away his customers due to a lack of spare parts, which is quite unfortunate. Aleem Akhtar needs a loan of $216 from Seed Out. He has high hopes that it will help to strengthen his business. He wants the best for his family and is counting on your donations. Let's help this deserving man earn the income he rightfully deserves. 


Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Jan 01,2021