A loan of $252 helped to expand a cosmetics and medical shop.

26-year-old Waqas Ahmad from Gujranwala decided to open his own cosmetics shop 5 years ago. He was exuberant on opening his own business as he thought that he will finally see better days in his life and be able to leave a life of poverty behind him. Unfortunately, things did not turn out as he had expected. His business did not do well because his investment was low and customers often did not find what they were lookig for at his shop. Currently, his shop is very low on stock and attracting only negligiable sales. It was becoming impossible for Waqas to manage his and his wife's expenses, so he took up part time employment at a grocery shop. All this earns him is Rs. 10,000. One can imagine well how diffcult life must be for anyone surving on this much money. 

Waqas has resolved to revive his business. After deciding to approach Seed Out, he applied for a loan of $252 to buy more inventory for his business. He feels confident that he will be able to attract more customers to his shop once has has what they need. After expanding his business, Waqas hopes to quit his part time employment and give full time to the business. His hopes are all dependent on your donation. He will be extremly happy to revive his business. What is a small donation from us means the whole world to Waqas. 


Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Jan 14,2021