A loan of $288 helped expand a barbershop.

Muhammad Ishfaq from Bahawalnagar is a deserving and hardworking individual. He is the sole bread earner for his family. He has 5 young children. His younger two daughters are only a year old. No doubt, it is difficult to manage the expenses of 5 children. 

Ishfaq had been providing barber services for many years before he decided to open up his own salon. This was a risk, but his family was his motivation and Ishfaq decided to take the risk. He invested all his savings in opening up the salon and he is extremely glad of taking this step. Ishfaq has high ambitions from his shop. His customers are satisfied, Ishfaq works hard and believes that his belief in hard work will give him a lot of success. 

Ishfaq wants to expand his salon. His investment was low when he started his salon, due to which the salon lacks some essential equipment and products that are required for offering different services. Ishfaq wants to expand his salon. It is only when he expands, will he be able to earn a sufficient income. As of now, he also has to pay the rent of his shop and a major part of his earning is consumed up by the rent payment. If his sales increase, it will become easier for him to pay the shop rent. Ishfaq also greatly wishes to provide employment to more people once he expands his salon. He requires a loan of $288 to expand his business. 

Ishfaq and his wife are full of hope. They are eagerly looking towards your help. Any amount of donation matters in impacting lives! Please support Ishfaq in expanding his business.  

Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 12.60
Disbursed date:
Nov 20,2020