A loan of $216 helped expand a clothing business.

There are countless people living extremely tough lives due to abject poverty. One of these people is 31-year-old Mazhar Iqbal from Faisalabad. Listening to Mazhar's way of life almost brings tears to the eyes as it makes us realize how little things which we take for granted are a huge blessing for others. Mazhar only studies till primary and his wife is illiterate; their parents were too poor to send them to school. Despite poverty and being uneducated himself Mazhar and his wife want to educate their children. They have a 12-year-old son and 4 younger daughters. The elder two go to a government school whereas the younger two are very young. On top of caring for his wife and 5 children, Mazhar also takes care of his 70-year-old father. 

Mazhar is the sole bread earner for 8 people. All he does is sell clothes at a weekly market. His expenses far exceed his income and there are days when there is no penny in the household. Life becomes very stressful and sad for the family. Mazhar wants to break free from the clutches of poverty, and he has a chance at it by expanding his business. Mazhar has approached Seed out for a loan of $216 from which he will add a greater stock of clothes, and it will definitely help him to increase his sales. Mazhar truly deserves your help. Please donate to him to bail him out of this tough life.  


Average annual income


Funds donated in Faisalabad


Projects fundraising in Faisalabad


Project raised in Faisalabad

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
May 22,2020