A loan of $180 helped expand a yarn knitting business.

38-year-old Balqees from Faisalabad works very hard to feed her children and keep them in school. Balqees started working soon after her first daughter was born. She says that she grew up in poverty and her parents could only afford to send her to primary school. She loved to study. She still vividly remembers the day when her parents told her she no longer could go to school and how acutely sad she was. Balqees never wants her children to see such a day. She started working very hard upon the birth of her first-born and has been in business for 15 years now. Balqees, with her husband's help, does yarn knitting for a living. The work is considerably labor-intensive, but her determination and love for her children keeps her going. 

Winter is here and it is yarn selling season. Sadly, however, Balqees is very low on stock and she fears that she will not be able to make the most out of the season. If Balqees gets no help, the family is in for a year of hardship and we don't want Balqees's lovely children to bear the brunt of it. For buying stock for her business, Balqees has requested a loan of $180 from Seed Out. Seeing her dedication and strong desire to educate her children, we want to help Balqees but cannot do it without your support. Please donate to Balqees because every penny holds immense value for her and your donation can create a bright future for her children! 

It helps a deserving woman provide a good education to her 3 lovely children.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Faisalabad


Projects fundraising in Faisalabad


Project raised in Faisalabad

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Oct 29,2020