A loan of $180 helped to expand a general store.
Hafiz Muhammad Qasim, a hard-working person from Gujranwala, is going through a rough patch in life. As his responsibilities have increased, his expenses have increased simultaneously. Qasim is a young man who has two kids and old parents to take care of. For the past few years, Qasim has operated a small general store in his locality but was never able to earn enough income. Now that his responsibilities keep on growing, his current income proves insufficient. With a minimal amount of stock to sell, his income remains limited. Currently, his children do not go to school as they are young, but as they grow older, their expenses will be increased similarly. Moreover, Qasim is a well to do a person in his locality, he is ambitious and works hard towards his goal, but his luck has not been on his side. Qasim wants to escape the everyday shackles of poverty and fulfill his responsibilities with ease. Qasim wants to expand his general store by adding more stock, and for that, he has requested a loan of $180. He will utilize the amount to purchase more items and sell them to his customers. His increased sales will lead to increased profits. Seed Out’s zero interest rate will allow him to pay back quickly and also invest in his business.
It helps a person provide well for his family and fulfill his responsibilities.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.56
Disbursed date:
Nov 01,2019