A loan of $288 helped to expand a welding shop.
Arif Masih from Lahore is a needy person trying to escape the hardships of poverty. A hardworking man, Arif is running his welding shop since 1997. As a father of 5 children, his responsibilities and hence his expenses have gradually increased. A determined father, Arif is putting in his maximum effort to meet his children's requirements. Arif’s wife, Ulfat, also works to support household expenses by stitching clothes at home. She earns a small amount which is spent on fulfilling immediate household needs. Amongst their five children, 3 of them attend a private school. To fulfill unmet demands, Arif needs to purchase a wider variety of welding items so he could expand his welding service. When Arif came across Seed Out, he applied for a loan immediately based on Seed Out's provision 100% interest-free loans to its borrowers. Based on demand, Arif has requested a loan of $288 to cater to a more significant number of clients. As his income improves, he will be able to take better care of his family, something he has always wished for. With the expansion of his business, Arif will become an empowered and successful entrepreneur.
It helps to improve the financial condition of a family.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 12.60
Disbursed date:
Oct 16,2019