A loan of $324 helped to start a general store.
Fatima Bibi is a 49-year-old mother of 5 young children who is willing to work hard in order to fulfil the needs of her family. Belonging to a slum area in Gujranwala, their house conditions tell a story of a poverty-stricken household. Fatima has worked previously in the garment business by stitching clothes and by running a general store but her businesses produced little income. Her husband, Akbar, works with power looms in a textile factory and makes limited amount of money. As Akbar alone cannot run the household with his income, Fatima wants to contribute to the household income so they can easily manage all sorts of expenses. It is unfortunate that only 2 of Fatima's children go to school as they cannot afford sending all of them to school. Fatima reached Seed Out's Gujranwala office for assistance. She has requested a micro-loan of $324 to start a general store at home. She wants to buy inventory and goods to sell. Based on her previous experience, she believes she can earn a reasonable income by selling items in the neighborhood. She will be able to support Akbar easily in running the household and manage the school fees of all their children so that they live a poverty free life.
It helps motivate a potential female entrepreneur and improve the financial situation of her household.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 14.40
Disbursed date:
Aug 10,2019