A loan of $216 helped to expand an electric store.
Abdul Raheem is a determined father of 3 beautiful young girls. 48-year-old, Abdul Raheem wants to provide the best for his daughters. Despite working tirelessly each day, he is unable to earn enough to fulfil his family's needs. He currently runs an electric store in Lahore where he repairs and mends faulty motors and machines. His business generates only a limited profit which remains inadequate to manage the household. However, Abdul Raheem is committed to send his girls to school and provide quality education to them. He wants his daughters to get higher education and live a poverty-free life. Moreover, Abdul Raheem and his family live in a rented house and managing all these different costs such as education, rent and bills, makes it difficult to survive in an expensive city like Lahore. Abdul Raheem reached out to Seed Out to escape his hardships. He has requested a loan of $216 to expand his electric store in order to buy more accessories and items to repair different machinery. This way he will be able to target large number of customers and increase his profits. He will be able to provide better livelihood to his family and will continue to pay for his daughters' school/college fees.
It helps a person manage his household expenses and provide for his daughters' school/college fees.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Aug 07,2019